Here is our finished opening sequence:

Here is my finished prelim task:

04 April 2011

Evaluation - Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film focuses on a teenager from a fairly poor background, who has developed a drug habit. Drug abuse is a problem that a lot of teenagers can relate to in modern society, and in no way does our film glamorize this lifestyle. We represent it in the harsh and gritty way that a lot of other British films do. Through use of highly contrasted dim lighting, and dreary London sets, we think we have portrayed a bleak outlook on drug abuse.

Jack smoking a spilff

Jack is wearing simple and dull clothes that show he isn't very well off. This is further shown by the fact that he is wearing cheap branded clothes that go along with the stereotype that young males are very brand sensitive.

Nike trainers

Addidas hoody
 Opposed to the thugs who wear bulky walking boots, and all black clothing, suggesting that they don't really care what they look like, they just want to get the job done. They also wear their hoods up, and have balaclavas covering their faces, which takes away their identity and shows that they have something to hide.
Thug hiding his identity

Gender is another important factor in our film, and we have represented it in the conventional old-fashioned way. Stereotypically, in films women are the victims who must be saved by the men. We have gone along with this theme in our film, as the only girl in the opening sequence has been murdered by men, and women are the victims throughout.

We made the girl stand out by having her wear deep red clothing symbolizing lust/passion. Compared to the men who are wearing very plain black/grey clothes, the girl looks very dressed up, suggesting that she cares about the way she looks. This supports the stereotypethat young girls are superficial. This is shown below:

The girl is the victim